Rook's Nerd Diary in English

This blog is to study English for me.

Justice and faith / Revice episode 43 "the End of Eternal, the Future after Repentance"

Kamen Rider Revice is finally the Last stage.


The episode happened some of the important events, let's look back on them with sort-out.



Mr. Akaishi was Dead!!

Mr. Akaishi created a ruckus for a so long time was dead at last.


He some time did mysterious action, but was killed by Daiji he cosset like his son so I think he didn't hate it.

He is a enemy, that said I don't like to death him lingeringly.

In addition, I like the end of him.


\ Hissatsu Shonin /

\ Holy Justice Finish / BOOM!!! (GUNDOWN)


That's very nice!


Daiji = the Boy of puberty

Why is he naughty like such?


He was suspected to will oppose Ikki since Revice is published, right? But, I wondered only Kagero opposes Ikki, you know? I didn't expect Daiji himself opposes Ikki, you know?


But then he act under his justice. Because he belives to be in justice, he doesn't stop more and can't go back.


Which do he directly heed Hiromi's advice or don't stop changelessly, we can't miss the future stories.


Losing memories

Ikki have the very dangerous risk he lose his memories every transform time, but he is losing more memories hand over hand because isn't discouraged to transform. 

I can feel Sakurai Yuto as Kamen Rider Zeronos is preferable to him because his transform times are explicitly finite.


I can image he forgets all everything, but I don't see it because will be scared. 


Daiji, buried dear persons, and Ikki, sacrifice himself for dear persons, are explicit counter, so I can't think they can make up after a quarrel.

In addition, they act under them justice, so I can't say any thing.


Side Weekend

There are big events in weekend this time. I mean "in Karizaki family".


In fact, Masumi Karizaki's demon was removed to George Karizaki. What?


Separating people and devils, commandeering hosts by devils and trying killing hosts already had happned in this drama, but removing devils is the first time, so I don't know well what its effects in this drama.


In addition, Hikaru's battle is so nice. It is great that Orteca had can genomix.


Tamaki was …,good, wasn't he?


The Next Deployment

The next deployment may be the showdown whit Giff, but it depend on Daiji's movement, if so I worry Ikki sad "Giff was not telling." to Vice.


In addition, I want to know when the summer movie of Revice is in this drama. Does it happen after TV series?


Anyway, I enjoy to watch Revice, so I'll speak about its last.

So this time is finished, Good bye!


Japanese ver. ↓↓↓